Created By:
Friends of Nicholas Perry
Collecting for:
Suicide Zeros allmänna arbete
Nicholas Perry touched the lives of so many people in and around Linköping and we've all been devastated by the tragic news of his loss.

Nick's funeral will be held in Grantham, UK on the 26th April. Here in Linköping, we wanted to take the opportunity to bid him farewell in style and in a way that he would have appreciated with a rough around the edges night of music, song and a little bit of puss o kram.

Nick moved in loads of different circles, leaving a lasting impression with everyone who met him. If there is a positive in all this, his passing will bring those diverse groups together through the thing he loved the most: Music

Pitcher's on Ågatan have generously opened up for a night in Nick's memory and spirit. Please join us from 17:00 until late on Sunday 28th April

Bring an instrument, a song, a poem or just yourselves and stories of Nick!

If you'd like to perform please go to the Facebook event 'A Night For Nicholas Perry' on Facebook and leave a comment or message.

Tell anyone that knew Nick and that may like to come along.
There is also an opportunity to donate to Suicide Zero in Nick's name.

Please let people know and see you at Pitcher's on Sunday 28th April
Puss och Kram

10,736 kr
0 Days left

Friends of Nicholas Perry donated 250 kr

Recent activity

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr

  • Anne Sweeney Anne Sweeney donated $40

    In Honor of my son who deals with mental health issues.

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 2,000 kr

    Recently lost my father, sister and a close friend for various of reasons (not covid), I am myself struggeling with PSTD and alcoholism after all that. I have some money so why not giving it to relief and give some some others happyness.

  • Liv Norrhäll Liv Norrhäll donated 200 kr

    I've followed Tom and Malin's Youtube Chanel for a while and struggled with mental health issues myself. No one should have to come to that decision to end their life. Every human being is so precious.

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 200 kr

  • Adam Curry Adam Curry donated 200 kr

  • Åsa Berglund Åsa Berglund donated 300 kr

    From Åsa, Abtin and Ric, with love. Thank you.

  • jan wester jan wester donated 300 kr

  • Ebba Hellsten Ebba Hellsten donated 300 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr

  • Jessica Karlsson Jessica Karlsson donated 300 kr

    Saknaden efter värmen han spred till alla och möjligheterna han såg i varje själ kommer jag försöka bära vidare. För den optimismen i andra behövs i världen. Jag kommer inte kunna levera det på samma nivå som just han kunde. Men jag ska försöka.

  • Tim Uhlin Tim Uhlin donated 300 kr

    Nick berörde mig på så många punkter genom sin musik, sin inställning på livet och de samtalen vi hade sent in på nätterna.

  • Johanna  Wikerman Johanna Wikerman donated 100 kr

    A night for Nicholas Perry ❤️

  • Deborah Ballaam Deborah Ballaam donated 150 kr

  • C******a B***n C****a G****a C******a B***n C****a G****a donated 300 kr

    Lo siento mucho, Nicholas ❤️

  • Cristina Berglund Cristina Berglund donated 100 kr

    You left too soon. So sad to see you go.

  • Joakim Sjöholm Joakim Sjöholm donated 200 kr

    Till Nicholas Perry, från mig.

  • Beata S. Beata S. donated 300 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr

  • Sebastian  Dahl Sebastian Dahl donated 200 kr

    Träffade nick två gånger, han var väldigt hjälpsam, inkluderande och kärleksfull båda gångerna.

  • Anna Grimlycke Anna Grimlycke donated 300 kr

    Trädgårdsvän och tidigare granne på Stolpis. Nic, du fattas i Linköping. Vi kanske får ses igen när tiden är kommen. Men tills dess lever jag extra nära livet, med dig i hjärtat. Puss och Kram <3

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 20 kr


  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr