Till minne av Marina / In memory of Marina - 2020 Edition!
Donate- Created By:
- Vanessa Asplund
- Collecting for:
- Suicide Zeros allmänna arbete
Till minne av Marina / In memory of Marina - 2020 Edition!
Det har nu gått två år sedan Marina gick bort och jag kände att det bästa sättet att hedra hennes minne var att hjälpa med att se till så andra inte behöver dela samma öde som henne. Tillsammans kan vi hjälpa till med att förebygga självmord samt att göra folk mer medvetna om detta ämne som man inte pratar om tillräckligt mycket i vårt samhälle.
Förra året lyckades vi samla in 5,500 kronor och jag tror vi kan lyckas med det igen!
It has now been two years since Marina passed and I felt that there is no better way to honor her memory than to try to make sure others will not suffer the same fate as her. Together we can help to prevent suicide and raise awareness about a subject that is not spoken about enough in our society.
Last year we managed to gather 5,500 SEK for our cause and I believe we can achieve that once more!
Förra året lyckades vi samla in 5,500 kronor och jag tror vi kan lyckas med det igen!
It has now been two years since Marina passed and I felt that there is no better way to honor her memory than to try to make sure others will not suffer the same fate as her. Together we can help to prevent suicide and raise awareness about a subject that is not spoken about enough in our society.
Last year we managed to gather 5,500 SEK for our cause and I believe we can achieve that once more!
6,500 kr
0 Days left
Recent activity
Sanna Einemo donated 500 kr
Stephanie Asplund donated 500 kr
Marina and Vanessa. The best sisters in the world! <3
Vanessa Asplund6000 = 12 Hour Runescape Stream
Kyrstn Armstrong donated 300 kr
Arvid Laxstorm donated 300 kr
Zekka Boss donated 300 kr
Austyn Torres donated 1,000 kr
Beter again
Austyn Torres donated 500 kr
Simon Sprogöe donated 100 kr
Johan F donated 300 kr
Mats De Puysseleyr donated 200 kr
Go Go Go!
Robin W donated 1,000 kr
Carl Taylor donated 250 kr
1500SEK reached
Spirit Donut donated 300 kr
Vanessa Asplund2000 SEK Milestone: Warframe Operator Cosplay! (And Business Maid from Max Gentlemen)
Anonymous User donated 500 kr
Because i was near my end at my own hands once upon a time, and my moms name is Marina
Alexander Palmgren donated 300 kr
För Marina, och alla andra människor som mår dåligt och kanske hamnar i samma situation!
Tai Nuño Mugica donated 150 kr