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Suicide Zeros allmänna arbete
The 10th of November was supposed to be my mother’s birthday. Unfortunately, she passed away by her own doing in the summer of 2019 and left me and my family absolutely heartbroken. And especially the next six months or so I would say, was really tough trying to deal with it all. But when things finally started to lighten up, energy levels got better and creativity actually started to come back. I ended up starting a YouTube channel called THISISTOTALWAR, where I shared my playthroughs from various games in the Total War franchise. This is a game series I have been playing ever since my mother brought me my very first Total War game when I was 12 years old.

Maybe, if there were more knowledge about this issue, my mother would still be here with me and my family. And someone else’s mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, friend would still be with them. Suicides is a major public health concern that we together can do something about.

So, for a year forward I will wage Total War for Suicide Zero.

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100 kr translates to 9.12 EUR or 9.37 USD (22 nov.)

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